Who We Are
Welcome to the Women’s Club of Hackberry Creek! We exist to connect ALL women who live in Hackberry Creek. Our members include both new and long-time residents. Our members include working professionals, stay-at-home moms, artists, business owners, and women who are enjoying retirement. These incredible women hail from all around the globe.
We offer a wide range of activities and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that appeal to a broad range of ages and varied interests. Our monthly events are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Hackberry Creek Country Club. Our season follows the school year – August through May. We have a wide variety of programs during these events, as well as social time and refreshments. You do NOT need to be a member of the Country Club to attend.
Women’s Club is an ideal way to meet your neighbors, have some fun and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.
We welcome new members throughout the year. At just $40 per year, the Women’s Club is the best bargain in town. Dues cover all activities for one season, and payment IS required for participation in the Special Interest Groups. New residents receive their first year’s membership FREE, compliments of the Homeowner’s Association.