
SIG Leader:  Kristi Jenkins & Jenny LeBoul’ch
kristiDjenkins@hotmail.com & t.leboulch@tx.rr.com

​YOU deserve a night out to be with great neighbors, enjoy delicious food and loads of fun!!  Bunco is an easy game for everyone.  You don’t need to know how to play in order to join us....it's all luck and no skill!  The game involves rolling dice to score points. At the beginning of the evening, each player puts $5 in the post and at the end of the evening, winners will take home CA$H Prizes!

The hostess each month will provide light snacks, while players provide their favorite beverage. 

If you have questions or would like to be a hostess, please email Karlee using the email above.

2nd Thursday of each month (September-May)
at 7:00 p.m.
​The location will change monthly depending on which player is hosting.