
SIG Leaders: Kristi Jenkins


Our events are four times a year: October, December, February and April. We typically meet the third Saturday evening of the month starting at 7 pm.  You may bring a date, bring a dish to share and your beverage of choice.  That's it!  Typically we have a theme that the hostess chooses.

The dish to share may be home cooked or purchased, but please do plan on at least 8 servings.  It may be an appetizer, salad, side dish, main course or dessert.

Once you sign up, you will receive an eVite invitation with all the details for that event. Please do respond with what you plan to bring so we can have a nice variety of food options for the evening.

And we are always looking for a host home! This is one of the easiest parties to host. The host provides all the set ups for the party. Tables and chairs, plates, glasses, silverware, etc but no cooking required! 

Since this is such a popular event, there can be between 40 and 60 guests per party. Obviously, the host house needs to be big enough to hold that many people and the host will need a co-host to help set up and clean up.  Want to help, but can't squeeze so many people into your house? Be a co-host!  There is always a need for co-hosts, as well as host home/hostess.